Evaluation metric using BERT sentence representations

BERTScore is a metric for automatic evaluation of machine translation that calculates the similarity between a machine translation output and a reference translation using sentence representation.

BERTScore was invented as an improvement on n-gram-based metrics like BLEU.

BERTScore addresses two common pitfalls in n-gram-based metrics.

[…] First, such methods often fail to robustly match paraphrases.

[…] Second, n-gram models fail to capture distant dependencies and penalize semantically-critical ordering changes.

For example, given a small window of size two, BLEU will only mildly penalize swapping of cause and effect clauses (e.g. A because B instead of B because A), especially when the arguments A and B are long phrases.

In contrast, contextualized embeddings are trained to effectively capture distant dependencies and ordering.

BERTScore: Evaluating Text Generation with BERT

The BERTScore metric uses sentence representations from BERT, a deep learning model.

BERTScore computes precision, recall, and F1 measure.

Metric: bert_score


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