List of machine translation APIs
There is a growing set of machine translation APIs available and integrated into translation management systems (TMS).
The most popular APIs are available as self-serve APIs and support more than 100 languages and more than 10000 language pairs. By 2022, there was a self-serve API that supported more than 300 languages.
Besides language and locale support, the APIs also vary by features, like customisation, privacy policies and whether or not they are self-service products.
Most of the underlying machine translation systems are now based on neural machine translation.
Here the APIs are ordered by the number of languages and locales that each support.
Table of contents
- Niutrans
- Google Translate
- Alibaba Translate
- ModernMT
- Baidu Translate
- Microsoft Translator
- NeuralSpace
- Youdao Translate
- LingvaNex
- Yandex Translate
- TexTra
- Amazon Translate
- AppTek
- Language Weaver
- Wordlingo
- Omniscien Technologies
- KantanMT
- Watson Language Translator
- Iconic
- Lilt
- IP Translator
- DeepL
- Apertium
- XL8
- Globalese
- Kodensha MT
- SAP Translation Hub
- eTranslation
- Unbabel
- Supertext (formerly Textshuttle)
- Lingmo Translation
- Reverso
- Rozetta T-400
- Tilde
- Sogou Translate
- Tencent Machine Translation
- Kakao
- Mirai Translator
- T-tact-AN-ZIN
- Alexa Translations A.I.
- Lingo24
- Papago Translation
- PangeaMT
- Lucy
- TranslateMe
- Language Wire
- Phrase NextMT
- CloudTranslation
- Elia
- Trebe
- Tauyou
- Judicio
- Moses
- Belazar
- Lengoo
- Opus CAT
- Sunda Translator
- Tarjama MT
- Ubiqus NMT
- YeeKit
- Acolad
- Fairtrade
- Geofluent
- Lingua Custodia
- LT Gear
- MoraviaMT
- NpatMT
- OctaveMT
- Plata Vicomtech
- Skrivanek
- Slate Desktop
- TransPerfect NMT
- Safaba