
Machine translation for Burmese

Machine translation for the Burmese language is supported by 15 machine translation APIs.

Quality estimation for the Burmese language is supported by 3 quality estimation APIs.

Burmese, Myanmar, Myanmarese, Birmese
Language family
Locale variants

Character encoding

Burmese characters can be represented in Unicode or Zawgyi. Zawgyi is a variation on Unicode which interprets some code points differently but otherwise encodes code points with standard encodings such as UTF-8. If Zawgyi text is interpreted as Unicode, some characters will appear garbled.

Burmese text data from across the web is a mixture of Burmese Unicode and Burmese Zawgyi encoding. This can lead to fragmentation of some of the vocabulary unless the data is first normalized.

Machine translation

15 machine translation APIs support Burmese.

T-tact-AN-ZIN, XL8, Language Weaver, Omniscien Technologies, TexTra , …

Quality estimation

3 quality estimation APIs support Burmese.

Omniscien Confidence Scores, DeMT Estimate, ModelFront

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